
Frequently Asked Questions About the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing Tests

Why should I take the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests?
Speaking and writing in English are the functional, practical skills you need for interacting in business. Having these scores available can be supportive evidence of your ability to succeed.

English is essential for success in international business, and many businesses may ask for proof of your English speaking and writing skills. Your TOEIC scores may give you a competitive edge.

You can significantly improve your chances for advancement by having the skills to communicate in English.

What do the tests measure?
The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests measure your ability to communicate in the context of daily life and the global workplace.

You are not required to have specialized business knowledge.

What are passing scores?
There is no passing or failing score. The tests measure different levels of ability. The single, continuous scale enables you to set attainable goals and measure progress as your skills improve.

How are the tests administered?
The tests are administered on specific dates at secure Internet-based test centers. Contact your ETS Preferred Network office for details.

How often can I take the tests?
Once per calendar month. Contact your ETS Preferred Network office for more information.

How much do the tests cost?
Prices vary. Contact your ETS Preferred Network office for more information.

How long does it take to receive scores?
Scores arrive in three to four weeks. Contact your ETS Preferred Network office for more information.

In testing all four communication skills, which test should I take first, Listening and Reading, or Speaking and Writing?
You should take the test(s) that provide(s) the feedback you will need. For a comprehensive evaluation of your English-language proficiency, which you can share with employers, take the TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests as well as the TOEIC Listening and Reading test.

Why are test scores valid only for two years?
A test-taker's skills can improve or decline over time. For this reason, the more recent the score, the more likely it is to be a valid indication of English-language ability. Scores will be kept on file and reported for two years.

What is the difference between the TOEIC Practice Online: Speaking & Writing and the TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests?
TOEIC Practice Online: Speaking & Writing Test Preparation Tool TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests
Where can these products be used? Anywhere with Internet access without proctor supervision At designated secure testing sites
What information would I receive? A score range with advice for improvement Speaking and Writing test scores with proficiency levels and descriptors
How are the results used? To receive feedback for self-improvement To obtain an official TOEIC test score

About the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing Tests

The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests are valid assessments of English-language speaking and writing skills for the workplace. In today's competitive global job market:

•Speaking skills are important for effective presentations, face-to-face communication, meetings, videoconferencing, teleconferencing and telephone
•Writing skills are necessary for clear, persuasive e-mails and other forms of business correspondence.
The TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests complement the TOEIC® Listening and Reading test. Together, they provide a reliable measurement of all four English-language communication skills.

Advance your career
English is the language of global opportunity. The TOEIC® tests have helped many people throughout the world advance their careers and take advantage of the best employment opportunities. Your TOEIC scores can:

•Make you a stronger candidate for job opportunities with leading global organizations that want employees who can speak and write in English
•Demonstrate your ability to communicate across borders and cultures with co-workers and clients
•Positively affect hiring decisions and other employment opportunities
•Help you to obtain new opportunities within a company
Today 10,000 organizations in 120 countries around the world use the TOEIC tests to determine which candidates have the English-language skills to succeed in the global workplace. More than five million tests were administered last year. Take the TOEIC tests to give yourself a competitive advantage and advance your career.

Are questions taken from specific contexts?

TOEIC Listening and Reading test questions are based on a variety of real-world settings and situations:

Corporate Development — research, product development
Dining Out — business lunches, banquets, receptions, reservations
Entertainment — cinema, theater, music, art, exhibitions, museums, media
Finance and Budgeting — banking, investments, taxes, accounting, billing
General Business — contracts, negotiations, mergers, marketing, sales, warranties, business planning, conferences, labor relations
Health Care — medical insurance, visits to doctors, dentists, clinics and hospitals
Housing/Corporate Property — construction, specifications, buying and renting, electric and gas services
Human Resources — recruiting, hiring, retiring, promoting, job applications, job advertisements, salaries, pensions, awards
Manufacturing — assembly lines, plant management, quality control
The Office — procedures, board meetings, committees, letters, memos, telephone, fax and e-mail messages, equipment
Purchasing — shopping, ordering supplies, shipping, invoicing
Technical Areas — electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical specifications
Travel — trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancellations